
How To Spawn High Level Fertilized Eggs In Ark


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Eggs are dropped by certain creatures and can be establish anywhere they decide to drib one. Currently, they tin be used as a food source (players can consume them for large amounts of nourishment), for creating Kibble (a useful detail for fast and effective taming), and for hatching (to raise babe creatures; fertilized eggs just).

The ability to hatch fertilized eggs was added in v219.0 through breeding. To mate creatures, you must accept a tamed male and female of the aforementioned species. They have to exist well-nigh each and both have to exist attack wander or set to mating, not overloaded, not following and non mounted (for mountable dino). A mating bar will announced, and once finished, the female will lay a fertilized egg (differentiated by a cherry cloud surrounding the egg). Not all creatures tin exist bred. It is besides notable that the creatures have to stay close and the wandering mechanic might drive them autonomously.

The merely exception to fertilized eggs would exist the  Wyvern,  Rock Drake,  Deinonychus, and  Magmasaur, none of which can be tamed in the wild and their fertile eggs must be obtained from the wild nest.

Said eggs spawned in with commands volition disappear every bit presently as they are dropped, and thus tin not be hatched. This is due to the egg having lilliputian to no health on the command-spawned egg; if it is dropped in an surface area where it can incubate and the health does non deplete, it can hatch. Whatsoever creatures hatched in this way will always be level ane due to absence of Maternal and Paternal details.

Eggs all accept different colors and sizes while out of the players inventory, and each have a different weight, too. While they are groovy for kibble production and human consumption, they offer no diet to tamed dinos, (except for the Oviraptor, Titanoboa and Basilisk).


Some dinosaurs volition seek you out if you take an egg of their species in your inventory. Any species of herbivore will become aggressive if players pickup an egg from the ground nearby them (except for Dodos, Moschops, and Parasaurs) but simply conveying an egg won't. The Oviraptor has the power to have eggs without creatures noticing.

  • Raptors, beingness an aggressive carnivore already, volition nigh assuredly chase you downwards.
  • Brontosaurus will too go aggressive if you take an egg well-nigh 1. But likewise look out for T-Rex, every bit they are attracted past Bronto Eggs as well.
  • Giganotosaurus will immediately hunt you downwardly at rapid speed if you accept their egg, and being the most unsafe carnivore already known, is a fatal mistake if unprepared.
  • Nearby Wyvern and Rock Drake, usually aggressive at a few distance, will immediately chase down would-exist thieves for taking, or transferring, any of their egg.

Egg Farming

Farming eggs efficiently can be very useful to obtain more eggs in a shorter corporeality of time. Both wild creatures and tamed creatures can exist used to build creature farms for eggs.

Frequency and Probability

Jen Twitter.jpg " Dodos don't lay eggs like other dinos, every time dodos poop they have a chance to lay an egg.
~ Jen[ane]

Just female dinosaurs can lay eggs. Every creature which is capable of laying an egg has exactly the aforementioned laying charge per unit (except for Dodos). Currently female dinos will drop eggs continuously if they're mate boosted, no matter if the histrion is around or not, as long as they are non in stasis - in which there is a 1% take chances for an egg to be laid when the creature comes out of the state.

Ane male person tin can mate boost multiple females of the same species effectually him, and vice versa.

  • A mate-boosted female creature will have a chance to lay an egg every 17 minutes.
  • An Oviraptor fix to wandering provides a buff that reduces the egg laying timer from 17 minutes to xi minutes 20 seconds.
  • Dodos have different egg laying mechanic: They have a chance of 13% to lay an egg instead of a feces when defecating, which happens randomly later 100 to 300 seconds.
  • There is a limit on how many eggs can be present within a certain range: for about creatures this limit is 6. An exception is Titanoboa which has a limit of viii.

Eggs can also exist obtained from wild creatures. Oviraptors tin can be used to steal eggs from wild or enemy dinos. Whistling "set on my target" on an egg will crusade the Oviraptor to option it upward and bring it back to you.

Obtaining Wild Eggs

Jen Twitter.jpg " They're pretty rare to find in the wild, information technology'due south all-time to only collect them from your own tames. :)
~ Jen[2]

Mate-Boosted females in the wild that are capable of laying eggs in the wild may driblet them, where the egg sits on the ground nearby. These eggs are not fertilized, and cannot be used to hatch a fauna. They can, nevertheless, be used for kibble and thus are extremely valuable.

If a actor approaches and takes the egg into their inventory, the animals the egg belongs to (for instance: all Trikes if Trike Egg, all Raptors if Raptor Egg) nearby will anger and assault. An Oviraptor can be used to rob the eggs for the player, merely so the creature is exposed to the danger of marauding parents. Make certain you can handle the power of the parents if y'all program on stealing their eggs!

Egg Types

Egg Used For Kibble Favored Past
 Extra Small-scale Eggs
 Dilo Egg  Basic Kibble
  • Dilophosaur
  • Dodo
  • Kairuku
  • Mesopithecus
  • Parasaur
  • Phiomia
 Dodo Egg
 Featherlight Egg(Aberration)
 Kairuku Egg
 Lystro Egg
 Basic Maewing Egg(Genesis: Part 2)
 Parasaur Egg
 Tek Parasaur Egg
 Vulture Egg(Scorched Earth)
 Pocket-sized Eggs
 Archaeopteryx Egg  Simple Kibble
  • Archaeopteryx
  • Diplocaulus
  • Gallimimus
  • Behemothic Bee
  • Ichthyosaurus
  • Iguanodon
  • Megaloceros
  • Morellatops
  • Pachy
  • Raptor
  • Triceratops
 Camelsaurus Egg(Scorched Earth)
 Compy Egg
 Dimorph Egg
 Gallimimus Egg
 Glowtail Egg(Aberration)
 Hesperornis Egg
 Microraptor Egg
 Oviraptor Egg
 Pachycephalosaurus Egg
 Pegomastax Egg
 Pteranodon Egg
 Raptor Egg
 Simple Maewing Egg(Genesis: Part 2)
 Tek Raptor Egg
 Tek Trike Egg(Genesis: Part 1)
 Trike Egg
 Medium Eggs
 Ankylo Egg  Regular Kibble
  • Anglerfish
  • Ankylosaurus
  • Baryonyx
  • Beelzebufo
  • Carbonemys
  • Carnotaurus
  • Dimetrodon
  • Diplodocus
  • Doedicurus
  • Gigantopithecus
  • Ichthyornis
  • Kaprosuchus
  • Kentrosaurus
  • Lymantria
  • Pelagornis
  • Pteranodon
  • Pulmonoscorpius
  • Purlovia
  • Sabertooth
  • Sarco
  • Stegosaurus
  • Terror Bird
  • Thorny Dragon
  • Velonasaur
 Baryonyx Egg
 Carno Egg
 Dimetrodon Egg
 Diplo Egg
 Ichthyornis Egg
 Iguanodon Egg
 Kaprosuchus Egg
 Kentro Egg
 Pachyrhino Egg
 Pelagornis Egg
 Regular Maewing Egg(Genesis: Part 2)
 Sarco Egg
 Stego Egg
 Tek Stego Egg
 Terror Bird Egg
 Thorny Dragon Egg(Scorched Earth)
 Troodon Egg
 Turtle Egg
 Velonasaur Egg(Extinction)
 Big Eggs
 Allosaurus Egg  Superior Kibble
  • Allosaurus
  • Argentavis
  • Castoroides
  • Daeodon
  • Dire Bear
  • Direwolf
  • Dunkleosteus
  • Gasbags
  • Mammoth
  • Megalodon
  • Megalosaurus
  • Megatherium
  • Paraceratherium
  • Plesiosaur
  • Snow Owl
  • Tapejara
  • Woolly Rhino
 Argentavis Egg
 Megalania Egg
 Megalosaurus Egg
 Moschops Egg
 Snow Owl Egg(Extinction)
 Spino Egg
 Superior Maewing Egg(Genesis: Part 2)
 Tapejara Egg
 Titanoboa Egg
 Tropeognathus Egg(Crystal Isles)
 Extra Large Eggs
 Basilisk Egg(Aberration)  Exceptional Kibble
  • Basilosaurus
  • Brontosaurus
  • Giganotosaurus
  • Karkinos
  • Managarmr
  • Mosasaurus
  • Quetzal
  • Rex
  • Spino
  • Therizinosaur
  • Tropeognathus
 Bronto Egg
 Exceptional Maewing Egg(Genesis: Part 2)
 Giganotosaurus Egg
 Megachelon Egg(Genesis: Part 1)
 Quetzal Egg
 Rex Egg
 Tek Quetzal Egg
 Tek Male monarch Egg
 Therizino Egg
 Special Eggs
 Crystal Wyvern Egg(Crystal Isles)  Extraordinary Kibble
  • Griffin
  • Megalania
  • Rock Elemental
  • Thylacoleo
  • Yutyrannus
 Deinonychus Egg(Valguero)
 Extraordinary Maewing Egg(Genesis: Part 2)
 Golden Hesperornis Egg
 Magmasaur Egg(Genesis: Part 1)
 Rock Drake Egg(Aberration)
 Wyvern Egg(Scorched Earth)
 Yutyrannus Egg
Egg.png Other Eggs
 Angler Egg None None
 Araneo Egg
 Arthropluera Egg
 Beelzebufo Egg
 Bloodstalker Egg(Genesis: Part 1)
 Diplocaulus Egg
 Eel Egg
 Mantis Egg(Scorched Earth)
 Moth Egg(Scorched Earth)
 Pulmonoscorpius Egg
 Tusoteuthis Egg

Egg Types (Mobile)

Logo Mobile.svg This section is about a feature exclusively available on Mobile
Egg Used For Kibble Favored By
 Allosaurus Egg  Kibble (Allosaurus Egg)
  • Tapejara
 Angler Egg
 Ankylo Egg  Kibble (Ankylo Egg)
  • Carno
 Araneo Egg  Kibble (Araneo Egg)
 Archaeopteryx Egg  Kibble (Archaeopteryx Egg)
  • Diplocaulus
 Argentavis Egg  Kibble (Argentavis Egg)
  • Spino
 Baryonyx Egg  Kibble (Baryonyx Egg)
  • Megatherium
 Beelzebufo Egg
 Bronto Egg  Kibble (Bronto Egg)
  • Sabertooth
 Carno Egg  Kibble (Carno Egg)
  • Dire Deport
  • Direwolf
  • Trike
 Compy Egg  Kibble (Compy Egg)
  • Iguanodon
 Dilo Egg  Kibble (Dilo Egg)
  • Ankylosaurus
  • Doedicurus
  • Pachy
 Dimetrodon Egg  Kibble (Dimetrodon Egg)
  • Gallimimus
 Dimorph Egg  Kibble (Dimorph Egg)
  • Megaloceros
 Diplocaulus Egg
 Diplodocus Egg  Kibble (Diplo Egg)
  • Allosaurus
 Dullard Egg  Kibble (Dodo Egg)
  • Ichthyosaurus
  • Mesopithecus
  • Pteranodon
 Eel Egg
 Gallimimus Egg  Kibble (Gallimimus Egg)
  • Castoroides
  • Terror Bird
 Giganotosaurus Egg
 Griffin Egg  Kibble (Griffin Egg)
  • Royal Griffin
  • Unicorn
 Iguanodon Egg  Kibble (Iguanodon Egg)
 Kairuku Egg  Kibble (Kairuku Egg)
  • Angler
 Kaprosuchus Egg  Kibble (Kaprosuchus Egg)
 Lystro Egg  Kibble (Lystrosaurus Egg)
  • Diplodocus
 Megalosaurus Egg  Kibble (Megalosaurus Egg)
  • Therizinosaur
 Moschops Egg  Kibble (Moschops Egg)
  • Purlovia
 Oviraptor Egg  Kibble (Oviraptor Egg)
  • Megalosaurus
 Pachy Egg  Kibble (Pachy Egg)
  • Paracer
 Pachyrhino Egg  Kibble (Pachyrhino Egg)
  • Baryonyx
 Parasaur Egg  Kibble (Parasaur Egg)
  • Raptor
 Pegomastax Egg  Kibble (Pegomastax Egg)
 Pelagornis Egg  Kibble (Pelagornis Egg)
  • Archaeopteryx
 Pteranodon Egg  Kibble (Pteranodon Egg)
  • Carbonemys
 Pulmonoscorpius Egg  Kibble (Pulmonoscorpius Egg)
  • Beelzebufo
  • King
 Quetzal Egg  Kibble (Quetzal Egg)
  • Dimetrodon
  • Giganotosaurus
  • Mosasaurus
 Raptor Egg  Kibble (Raptor Egg)
  • Mammoth
 Male monarch Egg  Kibble (King Egg)
  • Plesiosaur
  • Quetzal
 Sarco Egg  Kibble (Sarco Egg)
  • Stegosaurus
 Spino Egg  Kibble (Spino Egg)
  • Megalodon
 Stego Egg  Kibble (Stego Egg)
  • Argentavis
 Tapejara Egg  Kibble (Tapejara Egg)
  • Kaprosuchus
 Terror Bird Egg  Kibble (Terror Bird Egg)
  • Woolly Rhino
 Therizino Egg  Kibble (Therizinosaurus Egg)
  • Basilosaurus
 Titanoboa Egg  Kibble (Titanoboa Egg)
  • Dunkleosteus
  • Gigantopithecus
 Trike Egg  Kibble (Trike Egg)
  • Sarco
 Troodon Egg  Kibble (Troodon Egg)
 Turtle Egg  Kibble (Carbonemys Egg)
  • Bronto
 Tusoteuthis Egg

Super Fertilized Egg (Mobile)

Logo Mobile.svg This department is virtually a feature exclusively available on Mobile

 Super Fertilized Eggs are a blazon of Egg sectional to ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile.

These eggs tin be obtained after a female creature with the proper  Pheromone applied has laid one. They hatch quicker than normal eggs and the baby creature will have amend stats when it has hatched.

They can also be used to arts and crafts  Super Kibble, which will  tame creatures faster and with more than taming effectiveness.


  • When a fertilized egg dies (Egg Wellness reaches 0), it disappears regardless of the decomposition settings, not becoming a non-fertilized egg either.
  • Certain real-life creatures cannot lay eggs in the game.
  • Fertilized eggs cannot exist constitute in the wild by role player. The simply exception to fertilized eggs would be the Crystal Wyvern (wild crystal wyverns can exist tamed with crystal or primal crystal) and the Wyvern, Rock Drake, Deinonychus and Magmasaur none of which can exist tamed in the wild and their fertile eggs must be obtained from the wild nest.


Video Tutorial

A quick video tutorial on hatching eggs.


Patch Changes
  • Gendered Tamed Dinos will only drop Eggs if Mate-Boosted at present, and only female Dinos lay eggs at present.
  • Picking upward your own Tamed Dinos' eggs no longer aggros Wild Dinos of that species.
  • Tamed Dinos now lay Eggs over fourth dimension without having to exit them alone.
  • Dimorphodons don't lay Pteranodon eggs anymore.
  • Mate-boosted tamed Dinos now have a 2x chance of producing eggs.
  • Eggs are about 50% more common to observe.
  • Eggs now last for xxx minutes on ground (they previously lasted for only xx minutes).
  • Made eggs about 200% more than probable to exist establish.
  • Eggs at present final for 8 days in the regular inventory, rather than but 2.
  • Eggs for all animals.
  • Introduction of Dino-Egg Kibbles.
  • Spinos no longer lay Bronto eggs.
Genesis: Part 2 Release
  • Insect and Aquatic Eggs can now exist picked upwardly and put into a  Egg Incubator(Genesis: Part 2)


  1. Jen on Twitter
  2. Jen on Twitter


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