How to Collage- Part 1- Where to Find Good Source Material for Collage

People often ask me where they can find fun and interesting books and magazines to make collages with. We have all seen the same old collages made from fashion mags that are covered in bright skin, lipstick ads, and luxury cars. I don't find those interesting, but maybe you do.

In this post, I am going to tell you how and where to find some awesome materials to collage with, but first I have a question for you:

Do you have paper ephemera in your home that you have been saving for certain reasons? If you do, why are you saving it? Could those items be more enjoyable if you turned them into art for your wall?

Most likely you have some old books, souvenirs, and photographs sitting in a box somewhere. Its likely that those things could be taken out of storage and turned into some really cool wall art. Now, I am not telling you to cut up your passport, but I'm sure you have some cool family photos or baseball catalogs you could cut and reassemble into something cool and unique. All it takes to turn your old treasures into art is a little guts and some know-how.

This is my first piece of advice for you: Change your mindset about what needs to be "saved", but also, change your mindset about what you think is "garbage".

In my opinion, at the very least college materials should be inexpensive. At its very best, collage art is the epitome of upcycling: making treasure out of trash.

Okay, let's say you don't have anything at home and you want to go out and buy collage making source materials. I will share with you the handful of places that I like to look, and where you can get the most out of your money.

Before you go shopping let me give you some tips:

  1. Look for old books and magazines that are "dense" with the images that you want. Be sure the books have lots of pictures that are sized and shaped in a way that you can use. What if you find a book that only has a few pictures in it, but you really want them? Read my next tip…

  2. Value the books according to "density": For example, you might find a book about "space", but it only has 4 big color photographs. Hmmm… maybe not the best, but if the books are $1, go for it. Conversely, Let's say that the book is $10 but you know you could really use those images for your project. Then, perhaps $10 is worth it for four big images you need.

  3. Use market haggling skills and buy collections. You will save a lot of money by offering to buy entire stacks and collections of books rather than buying individual pieces. Why buy old National Geographic magazines for $2-3 each when you can offer someone $50 for their entire collection (literally decades of mags) .

  4. Enjoy the hunt. Half the fun of collage is looking for and finding images that interest you. There is no "correct way" to collage. You can literally collage with anything from comic books to cardboard drink coasters. Please keep this in mind, when looking for collage materials, take your time and have fun. Take time flipping through books and magazines at the places I will mention. You might score big (like the time I got a box full of 1970s Heavy Metal Mags for $20) or may go empty-handed.

An old dresser is a great way to organize your collage supplies.

An old dresser is a great way to organize your collage supplies.


Thats right. In the warm months when people are cleaning out their homes, you can find FREE collage gold. I don't rummage through stank garbage cans like a bum, but I will pull over and check out boxes of junk by the curb. I've pulled a mint $40 vintage Spiderman comic book out of the garbage. (I also pulled an old dresser to organize my clippings in.)

Flea Markets

Different flea markets have different vibes. Look for antique and garage style style flea markets where people are unloading their basements. Not all cool books, mags, and comics are collage worthy. Steer clear from "collector" prices and look for things like $1 comics and boxes of old magazines. Again, you will always get a better deal when you buy collections. Offer someone $20 for forty $1 comics and see what happens.

Thrift Shops

Most thrift shops have an area with books. Be sure to check the children's area/ toys as well for picture books. You may not find big collections or anything super niche, but the price is usually right.

Library Sales

Occasionally libraries have sales where they get rid of old books. Often times you can fill a whole brown bag full of books for around $5. I have had some great scores at library sales.


Craigslist is a great place to find free and inexpensive materials. Be sure to look for posts where people are moving and want stuff "out of their house".

Garage Sales & Estate Sales

I think estate sales are often over priced. Usually books and magazines are cheap. Timing is super important for events like these. If a garage sale is from 10am-4pm, all the good stuff will likley be taken by 11.

Used Book Stores

Usually when I go to a used book store, I plan on spending more money than I would at the other places I mentioned, but there is a plus. Often used book stores are well curated and you may be able to find some really cool stuff all in one trip. Like libraries, used books stores may have a big sale annually.

Start Your collage hunt Today!

Please let me know what you find out there in the comments below! I hope this information is helpful to you! If you don't know where to start, I recommend some source materials and collage making supplies in my amazon affiliate store.

Thanks so much for reading! I plan on posting more content like this in the future. If you are interested you can sign up for my mailing list!

Get Your FREE Surreal Collage Kit!

Tired of the same old lame magazines you have been making collages with? Me too.

Currently Available FREE Kits are:

  • Surreal Collage Kit

  • Romare Bearden Kit and Lesson

  • Salvador Dali Collage Kit (coming soon)

People often ask me where they can find the best material to collage with. So I came up with a fun solution: a free collage kit full of unique, colorful, and weird images. If you have never made a collage before, this is the perfect way to get started. Your free kit also comes with access to a free lesson video.

This easy to print five-page full-color collage kit is absolutely free. All that is needed to check out is an email address. This is a digital product that you download (PDF) and print at home. Once you have your kit, to make your own collages, all you will need is a pair of scissors and a glue stick.

Enter your email address to receive your totally FREE Collage Kit and exclusive updates about any new collage kits Red Wizard Creates.

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