
Ssi Linkedin Where To Find

How to use LinkedIn's SSI

This article is all about LinkedIn's famous social selling index. If you watch your feed from time to time you certainly see posts about the SSI. Out of my experience, these are either people who claim to have achieved a high score on LI's SSI or others who express to not understand the score at all. I have to admit: when I first saw the score I was confused. With this article, I like to help you understand what the Selling Index is and how you can benefit from using it.

What Is LinkedIn's Social Selling Index?

The Social Selling Index is a tool from LinkedIn to make your own activities on the platform measurable. The dashboard shows how strong your personal brand on LinkedIn is in terms of your interactions, your engagement on the platform, and the quality of your connections.

With the score, LinkedIn tries to evaluate how likely it is for you to succeed with your social selling efforts. A higher score means a higher likelihood of success.

The tool is the preliminary stage to the LinkedIn Sales Navigator and is linked within the tool.

Where to find the SSI?

  1. Out of the Sales Navigator under "Admin" > "User Reporting"
  2. Public Version: Just click down below 👇

How To Track Your SSI Performance

Straight forward: in the middle of your dashboard navigate to the "Weekly social selling index". What you find here is a line chart visualization of the past 7 weeks (49 days). This index tracks your previous efforts. You can see at one glance how your score changed over time.

Usually, if you get more active the score will rise. But be informed: I've never experienced a sudden rise of more than a few percentage points in one week.

Even when I had an extremely active phase during that time. That's also what I heard from colleagues and friends who use the SSI to their advantage.

Social Selling Index from LinkedIn being reported on a paper

See Yourself Compared To Others
- LinkedIn's Benchmark

With LinkedIn's Selling Index you can see how well you compare to people in your network and industry. LinkedIn automatically categorizes you into one industry. Based on that you will be compared.

Some people report to be assigned the wrong or slightly inaccurate industry. You might just try to modify your current position in your profile to change that.

LinkedIn Social Selling Index - Example view of my account

An example out of my account - slightly above average

Update: A few months later, engaging more with posts and expanding my network

🌐 How You Perform Compare To Your Network

Here is my example, I'm just slightly above the SSI of my network peers but still have a lot of room for improvement (lazy sloth). You could argue that I'm just a little more active/ optimized than most people in my personal network. You also might notice that you are able to check the different colored chart-pieces, seeing where your peers are better or worst than you.

🏭 How You Perform Compare To Your Industry

In my example right here, the Marketing and Advertising industry is pretty low on average when it comes to SSI. For my personally, this is interesting but rather not helpful to figure out how to improve. What would indeed help is to see what others do, which helps them get a higher score, aka. build better relationships on LinkedIn.

One way to figure out just that is by signing up to inlytics. We are currently working on a machine learning algorithm that benchmarks you with people in your industry. We will continually enhance the algorithm to give concrete to-do's on how to improve your account. Register now, this feature is coming.

What To Do With This Information?

Quite honestly: I don't use LinkedIn's SSI benchmarking part that much. Benchmarking is interesting to see how I compare to others, but it does not directly help me to better up.

Doe one thing can be helpful: checking where most people in your network are better than you - you might grab some insights for yourself (checking out which part of the pie-chart diagram is higher on average than yours and then search a way to improve just that).

What Is A "Good" Social Selling Score?

This question is asked quite a lot. Of course, it's always subjective what is "good" for you and what is not. If you would ask me, I'd say for active LinkedIn users a score from 0-30 is below average (not so good), 31-50 is ordinary, 51-70 is above average and everything over 70 is pretty solid.

Some people manage to get over a total score of 90+. Here I would assume that the profile is extremely well optimized.

LinkedIn SSI Score barometer that indicated how well your profile is set up

Infographic about what it a good SSI score in my opinion

1 Viable Alternative To LinkedIn's Social Selling Index

Did I mention "alternative"? Well, yes I did. We build a tool that aims to help you improve content performance, by providing you actionable insights about your LinkedIn profile. We do that with a variety of product features, including:

  • The content heatmap
  • Detailed post stats, like from which industry/ occupation people are
  • Extensive profile insights and many more..

With that said, let's look at the SSI alternative. We provide a comprehensive (free) checklist that gives you many ideas on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile. You find it in your inlytics dashboard under "Profile".

Here's the deal: Signup for free and provide us with your feedback (in-app feedback). We'd like to learn how we can improve based on your specific needs - we can't do that without you! In return to that, you get a free account (There are paid plans too, but yours is staying free). Interested? Go ahead and signup here.

LinkedIn Profile Analytics and SEO stats

inlytics profile checklist (free)

Ssi Linkedin Where To Find


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